Apr 26·edited Apr 26Pinned

FOR NOW, be be because damn the torpor doze, I donut WANT no stinkin' smut phone, and wiffout it I donut get no STRIPE unless I can have to buy a YUBI KEY... ffs. Anudder $50-60 butts for dat. I donut MIND PayPal, in comparry shun, PP is a walkies in the parkies, Stripe Fock!!! Why dey gotta be so dam dam dam them torpoes, fuggerin' flockers! Arrrrrrrrf, Roooooooooooooof.

jueoi jgerpaw;giopjglkbfnbzd[aw3lkgadgo=-3 o2mj,dfg[o0-q klfdjlkj/ko4[p'qwto-afkdl;adrpgera;'

Dat is DOg FLustration for FOCKIN L.

Please just use mai PayPet for now, and send some bacon I got painties, tee sherpas, building blots to mako sharks... SNAP TOGEDDER is owl. Blinkity Blankety life is a shit steamin inna grasp.

Kiiii Kiiiiii, lookit mai painties! Mai teeeee sherps hellen reddy for walling!!!!!! owowwwwoooooo

DIDEYE MENTION: I yam now being accosted wiff criminal asphalt in the turd degree!! What the goat dam nest:!:::::!!!!!!!!!!! Dog Almighty I must Penno Penno SOOOOO JA ja ja ja ja EMAHO ho ho ho.

Now LISSEN: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jaancarter

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I have wondered at the "coincidence" of dog = god spelled backwards. Man's best friend above AND below.

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Apr 25Liked by The Word Herder

So irreverent! So inventive! I nearly pee-ed! But I guess that is OK, really.... just marking my territory! 😂

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