My ex husband was a Bohemian Grove member. Associated member because there are two types of members ships. Associate and a regular members. Associate members are those invited to participate in a very limited basis. Those include most of your Hollywood celebrities. My husband was a member because of his magic and his knowledge of astronomy. At the grove he was one of the players who helped direct and stage their plays. The regular members participate in these plays. Throughout the year wives or girlfriends of the members are allowed for a weekend trips to the grove and activities out there massive clubhouse and hotel in Union Square in San Francisco. I was the first woman to have actually performed on stage at their clubhouse for a 2008 New Year’s Eve celebration.

I have not kept in touch with those friends and acquaintances I made since my divorce with my ex-husband in 2010. When I was with him of it we enjoyed the social scene both at the club and one another’s homes. I have no knowledge about the nefarious names of the members. That part was hidden from me. My ex-husband never talked about it, and I'm not sure if would know?

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Not sure exactly to what you're referring...?

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Much Kyle Young’s post, which you shared here to read is about the nefarious secret Bohemian Grove and their evils.

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Oh! lol Yeah, I try to stay out of those secret Bohemian Groves. ;)

I did live in SF for about 20 years, tho. I miss it, but I wouldn't want to live there NOW.

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I’ve spent so much time in SF, I have a difficult time going back.

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Understandable. What outrageous times we do live in...

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Lol! I just want to stay a hermit!

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Thanks for this information! Very enlightening. It makes sense to me out of the membership of Hollywood liberal idealists of my generation including Paul Newman. It reminds me of the capture by Scientology of Hollywood biggies including Tom Cruise. The same exact reek of depravity and mind destruction comes off of them all. It's CIA torture stuff. Pedophilia reeks. Slavery stinks.

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Thanks for "Escaping Prison".

Re. Hollywood:

I am sure the disastrous Woke agenda that has destroyed 40% of the value of Disney in 2 years is the result of obedience to a too-little-regarded Global Alliance for Responsible Media whose "members" include all major banks and credit companies, advertisers, Blackrock, Disney, Marvel, over 100 of the Western world's major corporations. Disney shareholders are fighting back using a legal team called America First Legal.

Disney BLASTED For Woke Agenda in SCATHING 50-Page Attack | DEI Cost Investors Over $100 BILLION! - YouTube


A humorous entertainment site, an online Hollywood gossip columnist entitled Overlord DVD, is among the Hollywood gossip sites I often listen to which have been strident critics of the Woke media agenda and the devastation it has produced in movies and the creative community that makes movies possible. Yesterday Overlord DVD reported on a new development which I think is hopeful. Investors are leading a charge against Wokeness.

America First Legal has filed a 50 page accusation with the US Securities and exchange commission against Disney by Disney investors which alleges that Disney management is guilty of illegally violating the fiduciary duty to investors by pursuing movie and TV productions and policies at Disney parks that Disney management has admitted are repugnant to the majority of Disney’s core customer base.

Is this ironic? Capitalism is coming to save us? Well, why wouldn’t “business" be the force that opposes Wokeness? What is business, commerce, trade? In this modern world of mass populations it is the means of life. It is survival. If the money doesn’t flow the trucks don’t roll and the ships don’t sail and the groceries don’t reach shelves and dinner tables.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Author

Okay, I guess the Disney investors might be annoyed with "Woke" BS... But Disney itself, and himself, until he died, was pretty fascist and "Woke" before there was the term "Woke," as far as I can tell.

I'm sure those investors feel a pinch, but... probably not much of one... I donut know, but I can't summon up much sympathy for DISNEY anything right now...

And yes, it's ironic! And no, capitalism won't save us... it's what's at least hugely responsible for the hell we're in right now...

And: Hi, hugs.

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Mar 31Liked by The Word Herder

Oh, that sweet blue (gray) face! 🥰

I'll read the article after I get home from Easter dinner.

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