Apr 3Liked by The Word Herder

The problem is... the monsters "passing" all of the unconstitutional stuff really don't care if it's unconstitutional. If I were to point out just one thing that the founders messed up on it would be that they did not provide for accountability for those government serpents that go against it. There should have been harsh punishments for any politician that went against it. Not that even that would do any good in the current climate we find ourselves in. The supreme court should be the arm that nips any of this stuff in the bud, but, they are politicized as well. The supreme court was originally *never* supposed to be political. The "justices" were supposed to be neutral as far as "Left vs Right" etc. I feel in my gut that the only way out of anything we are experiencing is people saying NO. And I really don't see much courage anywhere but Substack and a few courageous people elsewhere. Most people are either oblivious... or don't give a damn.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by The Word Herder

I wish I could join you in the evident enthusiasm you have for your Constitution. It certainly is a fabulous document and amendments, but it has a hidden glaring flaw.

It was signed by members of the Temple B.A.R. (British Accreditation Registry). The significance of this detail is hidden from the American people for a very good reason. If a document is signed by Temple B.A.R. lawyers then it has no more validity in LAW than an interdepartmental memo among the con artists of the Crown Corporation in the robbing bastard City of London.


The Roman Empire Mk 2 rules the City of London.

There is no escape. No get out of jail free card.


These two posts boil my piss because they are irrefutably true. Every one of the Five Eyes Countries are slave colonies to the megalomaniacal Roman Empire Mk 2 and the intentions are pretty disgusting.


It should be noted that the cannon fodder of the Five Eyes Nations (as mentioned earlier) are now surplus to requirements in this totalitarian space age robotic technocracy.

We are no longer required to grease the wheels of outrageous fortunes.

We are required to die quietly in a pharmaceutically drugged stupor - one way or another.


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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by The Word Herder

Woof back at ya from Japan Inc.

The idealist in me wants to agree with you.

The cynic in me says sociopaths will use any scrap of paper to wipe their mouths or butts ... the Constitution, The Nuremberg Code, the Magna Carta, the 10 Commandments, Hammurabi's Code, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, the fine print at the end of a user agreement ...

Reminds of an old Burt Bacharach / Hal David tune from the early 70's ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZH8uwWskAg

This dawg is playing Catch 22, but not with a frisbee.

Running around, chasing my own tail. 😂

Cheers, and keep up the good chase.

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Knowing this helped me get through the plandemic. Thanks for sharing it with your readers! Woof!

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Apr 3Liked by The Word Herder

SOOOO good!


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Apr 3Liked by The Word Herder

Oh boy, Woof, how did the sheriff's office visit go. Did they refer you to their lawyer to which you replied "Woof, I don't need no stinking lawyer, Woof Woof."

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Removed (Banned)Apr 12
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